Angela YT Chan

Hello, I'm an independent researcher and artist specialising in climate change in relation to people, colonial histories, technologies and justice.

angela crouches sideways from the camera on some brown rocks by the sea. she is wearing an orange jumper, a black tote bag and a black cap. she has black and canary yellow hair and looks ahead

Image: Angela YT Chan, credit Louise Hobson of SWAY

My main activities are:

  • arts practice
    • art commissions
    • curatorial
    • workshops
    • public talks
  • climate and cultural research and consulting
  • teaching
  • data practice

About me

"Angela YT Chan is an independent researcher and artist investigating climate change narratives with colonial history, data, technology, and justice. Her projects often include interdisciplinary collaborations in policy, academia and activism.

She is a current resident with the Heritage for Global Challenges Research Centre (Archaeology, University of York) and AA2A, continuing her investigation “Critiquing a “Sustainable Military” and Climate Tech". Previous highlight residencies include Arts Catalyst, FACT/Jerwood, Sonic Acts, Primary, Abandon Normal Devices, and Tactical Tech.

Angela has produced curatorial projects and workshops, collaborating with artists, activists and youth groups (formerly under the name Worm: art + ecology, 2014-2020). She co-directs the London Science Fiction Research Community. As an educator she has taught climate colonialism, environmental and social art, games and speculative fiction (Goldsmiths, KCL, RCA, WSA), and mentors artists working on digital media technologies.

Angela is also a research consultant, having worked on climate projects for major cultural institutions and in international climate and cultural policy at Julie's Bicycle. She has recently worked with INTERPRT, a research agency that pursues environmental justice through spatial and visual investigations. "

Current and Upcoming

  • RightsCon 2025, Taipei, panel talk 'All great and green?! Challenging extractive digital infrastructures' (on digital infrastructures: colonialism, capitalism, military industrial complex, and the climate crisis) with Green Web Foundation
  • Tactical Tech: Exposing the Invisible, Digital Investigation Residency, a research residency using investigation practices, topics, methods and tools on the themes “Critical Climates”, “Political Influence” and “AI and Us”, November 2024
  • Heritage for Global Challenges Research Centre (HGCRC, Department of Archaeology at the University of York), a research and development residency (my project Climate | Tech Colonialism critiques techno-fixes to climate issues through a history of climate technologies), December 2024–April 2025
  • AA2A Artist Residency for 2024-2025 at Nottingham Trent University, exploring and producing digital media and sculptural installation for my HGCRC project Climate | Tech Colonialism
  • Weathered Radio generative soundscaping workshop at Mosaic Rooms
  • Selected to participate in Cohort 6 of The Climatebase Fellowship, an industry-focused 12-week climate literacy accelerator with a climate expert-led curriculum and project incubation support
  • Supervising student dissertations in media theory and game studies for the MA Global Media Management at Winchester School of Art (University of Southampton)
  • Mentoring Watershed's More Than AI Sandbox teams
  • Commissioned artist for a Vital Signs, a Science Gallery and King's College London collaboration on climate change and food security with KCL students to produce a creative research project and zine (June-November 2024)
  • Commissioned artist for Hopeful Futures by King's College London (Policy Institute and King's Culture) with London local authorities to support policy making in climate mitigation and adaptation through climate assemblies (June-October 2024)
  • Data engineering and visualisation for a serious game for policymakers of oil nations towards fossil fuel divestments, with Matteo Menapace and independent climate change think tank E3G (Autumn 2024)


Updated: 19th February 2025

You can reach me at: at gmail dot com